nmi project AMWA


The AMWA Board of Directors hereby declares that the .ISR (“Dot” Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance) format is an approved Specification of the Advanced Media Workflow Association (AMWA). The .ISR Specifications shall be technically equivalent in every way to the latest currently approved AMWA Advanced Authoring Format (AAF) Specifications. Specifically, the current AAF Specifications are:

- Advanced Authoring Format (AAF) Stored Format Specification
- Advanced Authoring Format (AAF) Object Specification
- Advanced Authoring Format (AAF) Low Level Container Specification

The Board directs that the Specifications current as of the date of this memo be copied, and the copies be named as follows:

- MS-01 AAF Data Model - Advanced Authoring Format (AAF) and Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) Object Specification
- MS-02 AAF Structured Storage Mapping - Advanced Authoring Format (AAF) and Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) Stored Format Specification
- MS-03 Structured Storage Specification - Advanced Authoring Format (AAF) and Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) Low Level Container Specification

and that the following text be included in the introduction to the Specifications:

Implementers of this document should be aware that, with regard to this Specification, the Advanced Authoring Format (AAF) and the .ISR (“Dot” Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance) formats are technically equivalent in every way, and that both the AAF and .ISR formats are Specifications of the Advanced Media Workflow Association (AMWA). Implementations of this Specification should support both AAF and .ISR file extensions. The AAF SDK and the tools distributed with the SDK support both AAF and .ISR file extensions.

The Board further directs that the AAF Software Development Kit (SDK) and all AAF test utilities distributed with the SDK be modified so that they are able to properly read, modify and/or write .ISR files.

The Board directs that the note below be inserted into all header files in the SDK:

Users of this software should be aware that, with regard to the AAF Specifications, the Advanced Authoring Format (AAF) and the .ISR (“Dot” Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance) format are technically equivalent in every way, and that both the AAF and .ISR formats are Specifications of the Advanced Media Workflow Association (AMWA). Implementations of AAF/.ISR Specifications should support both AAF and .ISR file extensions. The AAF SDK and the tools distributed with the SDK support both AAF and .ISR file extensions.

The AMWA Board directs that references in Specifications to AAF such as names, labels, file names, etc. which have an impact on existing implementations shall *not* be changed in order to preserve interoperability with existing implementations.

Approved by the AMWA Board of Directors December 14, 2011.