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AMWA/EBU to Present Joint Session on Interoperable Media Services at IBC 2010

Senior media executives to explore how technology can be used to build a networked content creation and distribution facility.

Atlanta, GA – August 31 2010: The Advanced Media Workflow Association (AMWA) and the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) are presenting a joint session on Interoperable Media Services at the IBC Conference taking place at the RAI, Amsterdam, Netherlands, September 9-14 2010. The session includes an update on the joint project to develop a Framework for Interoperable Media Services (FIMS).

Brad Gilmer, Executive Director of the AMWA said: “The AMWA is participating jointly with the EBU in this effort because our members are focused on creating more flexible and efficient workflows. The need for this is obvious – media companies are being asked to deliver more programs to more platforms while operating under a very restricted economic environment”.

“They care about the FIMS work because it provides a standardized framework within which they can design and implement facilities which meet their needs now and also allow them to more easily adapt to the future”. Gilmer continued: “File-based facilities are the way forward, and FIMS is at their core”.

The session takes place Saturday, September 11, 15:00 – 16:30 in Room E105-107. In this session, attendees will learn from a panel of senior media executives about the challenges they have faced in building networked media facilities - and how they have overcome these challenges. We will also hear from them about how the industry would be best served by the development of a framework for interoperable media services.

User panelists:
Luk Overmeire – VRT, Belgium
Ian Wimsett – Red Bee Media, UK
Mirko Zimmer – Hessischer Rundfunk, Germany

The AMWA and the EBU will then present the first results of their Request for Technology for such a framework with the participation of the respondents who will publicly state their expectations. Attendees to the session will have an opportunity to ask questions of the presenters as well.

Representing the AMWA and EBU:
Giorgio Dimino – RAI CRIT, Italy
Jean-Pierre Evain – EBU, Switzerland
John Footen – Chime Media, USA
Brad Gilmer (co-chair) – AMWA, USA
Hans Hoffmann (co-chair) – EBU, Switzerland

Representing the respondents:
Peter Brightwell – BBC
Bruce Devlin – Amberfin
Praveen Dharmavaram – IBM
Paul Gardiner – Sony
Peter Guglielmino – IBM
Lewis Kirkaldie – Cinegy
Toshiaki Kojima – Sony
Peter Lude – Sony Professional Solutions of America
Frank Schaffa – IBM

The AMWA and EBU set up the FIMS Task Force in December 2009. The joint effort between the EBU and the AMWA to seek out a common approach to integrate hard and software components in modern TV production facilities is believed to be a fundamental need of the whole media industry.

In the Request For Technology (RFT), issued April 2010, the Task Force solicited a framework for media services, specific detailed definitions of common media processes, and an overall description of how RFT respondents would break down functions within the professional media industry. The focus of the RFT is on Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), and reflects a move by the media industry toward these systems.

More information on the RFT can be found at:

About the AMWA
The Advanced Media Workflow Association is a user-focused industry body dedicated to the promotion, development and adoption of open, accessible standards and specifications relating to file-based workflows (including AAF, MXF and other formats), Service Oriented Architectures, and Application Specifications as they apply to the areas of content creation, production, post-production, rich media authoring, archiving and distribution. AMWA members include Adobe Systems, Ad-ID, Ascent Media, Avid Technology, BBC, Chime Media, Cinegy, IBM, Metaglue, Omneon, PBS and Turner Broadcasting. Visit the AMWA on the web at

About the European Broadcasting Union (EBU)
The European Broadcasting Union (EBU) is the largest association of national broadcasters in the world (75 active Members in 56 countries, 43 associate Members in 25 countries further afield). The EBU helps public service broadcasters to deliver unique high quality programming to their audiences. It offers Members technical, operational and legal services, and coordinates a growing supply of quality content for radio, television and new platforms. It provides Members with information and analysis on media trends, and training designed to meet their needs. The EBU works to secure recognition of the crucial role of public service broadcasters in the digital audiovisual landscape. Visit the EBU at:

AMWA Contact:
Barbara Main
Director of Administration
Voice: + 1-608-513-5992
Email: [email protected]

EBU Contact:
Albert Garnier
Senior Communications Officer
Tel: +41 (0)22 717 2213
Cell: +41(0)79 292 8167
Email: [email protected]

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