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Original AS-11 Specifications: UK DPP SD and UK DPP HD
Quick Start: View the Specification "Conformance Rules" as a webpage
Technical overview / summary of AS-11 Specifications
These are Specifications in the AS-11 family of Specifications. They aim to define MXF file formats for the delivery of finished SD & HD programs to UK Digital Production Partnership (DPP) broadcasters.
Explanation of Specification Publication Formats
The AS-11 Specification was originally published as a PDF file which set out two "Shims":
Each of these is now considered to constitute an "AS-11 Specification" in its own right.
The constraints defined in the original AS-11 PDF file that are not used by either AS-11 UK DPP SD or AS-11 UK DPP HD can be completely ignored. These "orphaned" constraints are not relevant to any of the Specifications in the AS-11 family.
During the development of the AS-11 DPP Certification process the AS-11 UK DPP SD and AS-11 UK DPP HD Specifications were re-expressed as "Conformance Rules". This re-expression improved the clarity of the Specifications and represented them in a machine-readable form that was a more suitable basis for the required MXF file format testing. The Conformance Rules are used as the final point of reference during testing in cases of ambiguity or discrepancy with the original AS-11 PDF.
The "Original Specification Documents" and "Conformance Rules" will soon be discontinued. At that point both AS-11 UK DPP SD and AS-11 UK DPP HD will be published in the same way as other AS-11 Specifications: as rules based Specifications.
Original Specification Documents:
- PDF file defining the AS-11 UK DPP SD and AS-11 UK DPP HD Specifications
- Accompanying metadata details spreadsheet (ODF | Excel)
"Conformance Rules" to accompany AS-11 DPP Certification:
AS-11 DPP Certification:
Practical resources available for free from the DPP: