Dev Con 2000 Documents:

Held at the Loretto Hotel in Santa Fe, New Mexico, our first Developers Conference was a great success. We had over 50 attendees from all over the world. Thanks to the many individuals who contributed to our event!

Members contributed a number of presentations to the Developers Conference.

Technical Presentations

  • The AAF Development Team at Avid provided an overview of The State of AAF (PowerPoint, 90k)
  • The session began with a presentation on the Technical Track (PowerPoint, 76k)
  • Discussion continued on Wednesday in the Technical Track with more presentations (PowerPoint, 53k)
  • Sony provided an update on AAF work to date (PowerPoint, 95k)
  • Details were provided on Avid's current AAF Test Procedures
  • The group discussed Extensions to AAF (PowerPoint, 22k)
  • A vote on Specification Extensions for AAF Specification 1.5 was taken. (Excel, 22k)

Marketing Presentations

  • User presentations were provided by the BBC (PowerPoint, 221k), NOB (PowerPoint, 210k)
  • We had video presentations from CNN and Turner Entertainment (Word, 21k)
  • Avid described the relationship between AAF and OMFI and the transition between the two (PowerPoint, 933k)
  • Grass Valley provided an update on the GXF interchange file format (PowerPoint, 511k)
  • Ian Gordon of Discreet had a presentation on Open Source (PowerPoint, 266k)
  • Chuck Garsha gave us an update on the Digital Cinema work which is ongoing within SMPTE (PowerPoint, 110k)

Other Documents

  • Ian Gordon presented a possible NAB demo workflow document (PDF, 36k) along with an illustration of a non-aaf environment (PDF, 17k)
  • During a brainstorming session, development priorities were collected (Word, 20k). An informal pole was taken. Here are the results (Excel, 43k).
  • An MXF overview describes some of the points of the MXF interchange format. (PowerPoint, 667k)

Upcoming Events:

AAF Annual General Mtg 28 January 2024
Snell & Wilcox
Havant, UK

Eng Committee Mtg
27-29 January 2004
Snell & Wilcox
Havant, UK

AAF Interoperability Demos at NAB
18-22 April 2004
Las Vegas

Conference Notes:

Virginia, June 2003 Go to documents...

New York, May 2003 Go to documents...

London, Feb 2003 Go to documents...

Newbury, Jan 2003 Go to documents...

Los Angeles,Nov 2002 Go to documents...

Atlanta, Oct 2002 Go to documents...

Redmond, May 2002 Go to documents...

Virginia, Feb 2002 Go to documents...

Barcelona, Nov 2001 Go to documents...

Montreal, May 2001 Go to documents...

Santa Fe, Nov 2000 Go to documents...

Site Requirements:

  1. Adobe Acrobat
  2. Microsoft Word
  3. MS Power Point

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Advanced Authoring Format Association. All rights reserved.