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How Members Make a Difference
AMWA Member Benefits
Explanation of Member Benefits
Membership Applications

How Members Make a Difference
AMWA's mission is to lead the media industry worldwide in developing and advancing the use of standards and technology that enable more effective networked media workflows. Its current projects advance the use of the MXF, BXF, AAF formats in file-based workflows. The organization maintains open membership and committee participation.

Advanced Media Workflow Association -- "Putting AAF and MXF to Work"

Membership Levels and Benefits Principal General Associate Individual††
Eligible to serve on board of directors      
Appoint members to committees and work groups
Access to committee activities and communications on AMWA Forums *
Submit project proposals to Technical Committee    
Propose extensions/additions to existing and new specifications ** **
Discounted fees to attend meetings, tutorials & conferences
Attend AMWA technical tutorials
Access to member-only resources on the web site
Member company logos posted to AMWA website with links to company pages    
Manufacturers can list AMWA-compliant products on AMWA Web site Links to company documents Links to company documents    
Annual Membership fee US$10,000† US$5,000 US$1,500 US$175††

Principal membership dues for the first year are $12,500
†† Individual memberships are limited to single parties and do not represent company memberships except in the case of a sole proprietor
* Individual members will be given access to committee communications on AMWA Forum for one year and longer if they actively participate on the Forum.
** With sponsorship from Principal or General member

Explanation of AMWA Membership Benefits

All AMWA member dues are annual and renew on the anniversary month of membership commencement.

Principal Member Benefits
Principal members guide the organization, and are the only level of members eligible to serve on the AMWA Board of Directors. The AMWA board sets the direction of the Association, determines the budget, and ultimately directs the resources of the Association. Principal members may propose new work for the organization or changes to existing work without requiring the support of another member, and may appoint voting members to committees Principal members may propose work items for the AMWA technical developer(s), a programming resource employed by the AMWA. The AMWA will post their logos on the AMWA web site, and include links from the AMWA web site to specific pages on their company web sites. Principal member dues are $12,500 the first year and $10,000 annually for subsequent years.

General Member Benefits
General members form the core of the organization. General members may propose new work for the organization, or changes to existing work without requiring the support of another member. They may appoint a voting member to committees. General members may propose work items for the AMWA technical developer(s), a programming resource employed by the AMWA. The AMWA will post their logos on the AMWA web site, and links from the AMWA web site to specific pages on their company web sites. General member dues are $5,000 annually.

Associate Member Benefits
Beginning in 2010, Associate membership will be a one-year "trial" to allow companies to get to know the association and enjoy a wide array of benefits. Associate members that wish to continue their membership after one year must renew as General or Principal members. Existing Associate members at year-end 2009 will be entitled to one Associate membership renewal in 2010. Refer to the chart of Membership Levels and Benefits for more details on membership benefits. Associate members have access to all Member Resources and can attend meetings, tutorials and conferences at discounted fees. Associate member dues are $1,500 annually.

Individual Member Benefits
Individual membership is offered to a) an individual without any company affiliation in the media industry, b) an individual in academia as a student, researcher, or in some other way actively associated with an institution of higher learning, or c) a sole proprietor or the only employee of a corporation. Dues for Individual members are $175 annually.

Click on the Membership Application that's right for you:

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Advanced Media Workflow Association. All rights reserved.