Privacy Notice:

The Advanced Authoring Format Association (AMWA) is committed to protecting the privacy of its user community. This privacy policy details the information the AMWA may gather about individuals who visit this web site and how that information is used. Please note that this policy applies only to the AMWA web site and not to the web sites of other companies or organizations to which we provide links.

  • The AMWA does not collect the domain names or e-mail addresses of visitors to its web site.
  • The AMWA does collect the email addresses of persons who communicate with us via email. However, we do not share this information with other companies.
  • If you provide us with your postal address, email address or telephone number as part of an online request or inquiry, you will be contacted only in response, or in relation to, your request.
  • For questions concerning this policy, contact the Advanced Media Workflow Association by email at [email protected].

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Advanced Media Workflow Association. All rights reserved.