National TeleConsultants Joins AMWA as Principal Member
Atlanta, GA - 10 April 2024: The Advanced Media Workflow Association (AMWA) is proud to announce that National TeleConsultants, Inc. (NTC) has joined the association as a Principal Member, and NTC Director of Software Systems Engineering John Footen was subsequently elected to the AMWA Board of Directors.
NTC is an independent company with offices in Los Angeles and New York and specializes in strategic technology consulting, media-related facility design and engineering and systems integration. "NTC's membership in the AMWA is crucial because the organization is doing such important work on behalf of the best interests of both the vendors and the users of today's leading-edge content-creation software and hardware solutions," explained NTC's John Footen. "The AMWA is a leader in driving efforts to increase interoperability and to explore ways that the latest technological innovations such as Service Oriented Architectures can be applied to serve the needs of the broadcast and media industry in today's fully digital file-based workflow environment."
The AMWA is sponsoring the first public demonstration of the MXF Mastering Format Project during NAB. With demonstrations happening in the Summit Room at the Renaissance Hotel, the aim of the project is to bring a fresh approach to MXF and to provide proposed, real-world solutions for key workflows, focusing on creating a single MXF master file from which multiple versions of a program can be created. This rationalization initiative currently includes two key strands: MXF Mastering Format and the MXF Processor API. The work - which was started two years ago by Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. - will be open to comment and scrutiny and the Advanced Media Workflow Association welcomes input on this technical proposal
"The AMWA is currently experiencing considerable growth and momentum and with organizations like NTC joining, it further endorses our role as THE association to guide the industry in this area," explained AMWA Executive Director Brad Gilmer. He added, "The AMWA promotes the development and adoption of open, accessible standards and specifications relating to file-based workflows, Service Oriented Architectures, and Application Specifications. Our global membership consists of highly respected organizations and associated personnel. We are proud of our achievements to date, and look forward to continuing our role in the industry."
About the Advanced Media Workflow Association - Putting AAF and MXF to Work: Our mission is to promote the development and adoption of open, accessible standards and specifications relating to file-based workflows (including AAF, MXF and other formats), Service Oriented Architectures, and Application Specifications; to promote such Specifications worldwide, and to create high customer awareness of, demand for, and confidence in products designed in compliance with these specifications. We will focus on content creation, production, post-production, rich media authoring, archiving and distribution. We will maintain relations with, and work with standards developed by, other standard setting organizations and industry consortia to ensure coherence among the Specifications maintained by the Corporation and standards maintained by such other organizations. Further information is available from