AAF Technology Awareness Event
McLean, Virginia
June 2003
Attendee List (doc, 35k)
- Overview of the Advanced Authoring Format - Brad Gilmer, AAF Association (ppt, 2.06Mb)
- Avid & AAF - Tim Claman, Avid (ppt, 4.73Mb)
- An Introduction to the AAF Specification and SDK - Stuart Cunningham, BBC Research & Development (ppt, 547k)
- AAF as a Foundation for Enterprise Collaboration - Ed McDermid, BBC Technology (ppt, 7.85Mb)
- A Technical Introduction to the Advanced Authoring Format - Oliver Morgan, Metaglue & Chuck Garsha, SAIC (ppt, 5.21Mb)
- Quantel & the AAF Association - (ppt, 7.04Mb)
- AAF Engineering - Phil Tudor, AAF Engineering group (ppt, 186k)
- Press
- EBU Liaison
Upcoming Events:
AMWA Technical Mtg
October 15-17, 2008
New York, NY
Conference Notes:
Site Requirements:
- Adobe Acrobat
- Microsoft Word
- MS Power Point